Through the Seasons and Over the Years

Through the Seasons and Over the Years

Exterior and Garden

The original front door and sidelights are just as charming now as they were in 1922.
It's early Spring and the Norway Maple in the front yard is a lovely russet colour.

The back garden looks dreamy with a foggy backdrop on a cool May morning.

In June the Weigela shrubs and Spirea are in bloom and the Norway Maple leaves have turned dark green.

Brightly coloured goldfish happily swim in the backyard pond amongst the lilies and grasses.

The old Sugar Maples on the boulevard provide a shady respite on a hot summer day.

With a jigsaw blade, Mario cut out each of the 200+ pickets on this vintage-inspired fence.

This door was on the original sun porch. We moved it here - the backdoor of the new addition.
A single sidelight was designed to match the ones at the front entrance.

September brings cooler temps and beautiful clear days. It's still lovely to sit by the pond.

  In 2001, the detached garage was picked up and moved to the back of the property.
Cement blocks and additional joists raised the building onto the new concrete pad.

Harvest time brings a change of colour palette as the Sugar Maples turn from green to gold and orange.

The historic brick red colour of the side gate is camouflaged in the Autumn leaves.

A carpet of gold and orange completely covers the lawn and stone walkways at the end of October.

 The pond has been covered for the Winter months but on a sunny Autumn afternoon,
you can still take a break to relax on the Adirondack chairs.

A dusting of snow and some evergreen accents make the house ready for the holidays.

The backyard fence rises out of a snowy blanket as the tree branches stretch into the grey sky.

The vegetable garden next to the garage is waiting for the snow to melt before sprouting it's seeds.